
Discover heartfelt testimonials from participants and their loved ones, revealing the transformative journey experienced at Ridge Recovery Center.
The Hartford HealthCare Ridge Recovery Center at 289 Windham Road, Windham, CT.

“This is the most progressive treatment I have ever been to.”

– A Residential Program Participant

“The Ridge Recovery Center is an excellent place for someone who is stricken with behavioral health issues, such as alcohol and or drug addiction. The center is unique in its approach by providing private rooms to the patients, giving them time to reflect on the day’s events. Their approach to healing is unique, acupuncture treatments are offered as an elective that relieves their sensations.  In my nephew’s experience, this alternative provided excellent results.  This is a forward-thinking method and facility.  I would highly recommend this center to all families dealing with addiction.


The communication between staff and families was acted upon the same day, regardless of time of day or weekend. The Ridge is a working facility 24/7 for all members of the family, it isn’t just the patient.


From the clinicians to medical professionals to administrative staff they assisted my nephew throughout the recovery process from completing personal administrative papers to coordinating well-being meetings in one-on-one sessions, family meetings, and instructional yoga classes, this is all part of the curriculum at the Ridge.

The Ridge is part of the Hartford Healthcare network.  This was reflected in the manner and care that was received by my family. Excellent, experienced one-on-one care that extended beyond the patient, they took the family’s concerns in mind as well.”

– A Family Member

“In the 30 years of my relapses and recovery, I have never experienced a group that works so well together to provide the tools to sustain recovery. Thank you with all of my heart.”

– A Withdrawal Management Program Participant

“All staff were professional and loving- how can we improve? You can’t.”

– A Residential Program Participant

“The staff are the best.”

– A Residential Program Participant